Useful Links
General Information and help:
A. Family and Relationships
This government website has a wide range of information and sources of advice, including:
Mediation to solve problems when you split up
Preparing children for the end of your relationship
Parents’ contact with children after divorce or separation
If you’re worried your child will be taken overseas without permission
Grandparents’ contact with children after parental divorce or separation
Wikivorce is a website with a wide range of information and advice on all matters relating to divorce and separation.
Relate offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through their website.
Women's Aid is the key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. They support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK.
National Domestic Violence Helpline
The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
A confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and abuse that welcome calls from all men - in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. The advice line offers emotional support, practical advice and information on a wide range of services for further help and support. Its focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic violence (and the safety of their children) and reduce the risk.
The Respect Helpline is a confidential helpline for domestic violence perpetrators (male, female, in heterosexual or same-sex relationships). They offer information and advice to support perpetrators stop their violence and change their abusive behaviours. Its main focus is to increase the safety of those experiencing domestic violence by engaging with the abusers and to reduce the risk. They also provide information for domestic violence perpetrator programmes.
Families Need Fathers seeks to obtain, for the children, the best possible blend of both parents in the lives of children; enough for the children to realise that both parents are fully involved in their lives.
MATCH is a charity that offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children in a wide variety of circumstances.